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Welcome to MDaemon Technologies' Suggestion Box

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277 results found

  1. Restriction on media files while attaching.

    Please add a feature in which if someone can only attach a restricted file in email message, mdaemon will detect and remove this from the message prior to local que process.

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    Thank you for sharing your idea with us. MDaemon is already capable of removing attachments from messages. To configure this go to Security / Content Filter / Attachments. Add any attachments that you would like to be removed from messages to the list for “Restrict these attachments”. During processing, any attachments that match the names specified will be removed from emails.

    If you have questions or would like assistance configuring this, please contact our support team. All of our support options can be found at


  2. Statistics Event Notification

    It would be very helpful if the statistics manager can send notifications when a specific statistic has reached a predefined value. For instance, if the Dynamic Screening statistic reaches 2000 hits for today, I would like to get a notification. Currently I only know that I have suffered an attack after the event.

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  3. Winmail.dat / RTF / TNEF decipher by Mdaemon

    Mdaemon should decipher winmail.dat attachments, RTF or TNEF emails sent from outlook users or exchange servers.

    Asking the sender to change their settings to send html or plain text is not optimal in a business environment.

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  4. Right alignment for Right to left languages

    Add the ability to have Right alignment for Right to left languages

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  5. Monitor queue sizes and put queue into hold when user definable threshold is exceeded.

    To help detect spamming, when a queue size hits a user definable limit, the queue is automatically put into hold and the admin is notified (but cannot just queue an email notice to the admin as it could be in the queue that was just put into hold). If WMI performance counter monitoring could do this, is there any documentation? Are there queue hold semaphores?

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    Hello Jerry,

    Thank you for submitting your idea to monitor the outbound queue and freeze it when a threshold is exceeded. There are a couple of options that are already possible. MDaemon includes a feature called Account HiJack detection that is designed to detect when an account is being used to send spam. This doesn’t monitor the remote queue, but it does monitor the emails being sent by a user account and if the user sends more than X messages in Y minutes, the account is frozen and the admin is alerted.

    A second option would be to write a script that monitors the number of messages in the number of messages in the queue, which can be done with performance counters, and then use a queue.sem file to freeze the queue when the threshold is exceeded.


  6. An alert when the ip is blocked by Dynamic Screening

    An alert by email when an ip is blocked by Dynamic Screening.

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  7. spam

    Spam folder per user. Messages marked as SPAM would then be routed to each users spam folder messages would then automatically be purged based on a predetermined length of time i.e. 30 days, 60 days, 90 days This would enable messages inadvertently marked as spam to be accessible by each user, if the user doesn't "look for" the message with in the allowable length of time it would be deleted.
    The SPAM folder should be created by default when a new user is created. Purge time would be a global setting

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    4 comments  ·  MDaemon  ·  Admin →

    Hi Bruce,

    Thanks for sharing your idea with us. MDaemon capable of filtering messages flagged as spam into a users Spam folder. To do this open MDaemon and go to Security / Spam Filter, select the option for “Flag spam but let it continue down the delivery path.” Then under Security / Spam Filter / Settings, check the box for "Move spam into user’s IMAP spam folder automatically.

    You can also use the AccountPrune.exe utiltiy to purge messages from all users Spam folder after X days. To do this you’ll need to run the following command:

    Accountprune.exe /m /d=2 /p=“Spam.IMAP

    Where d=2 is the number of days before a message is purged.

    This command can be ran using Task Scheduler or you can have MDaemon run it by adding it to a midnight.bat file in the MDaemon\app directory.

    If you have any questions or would like assistance configuring…

  8. Allow the administrator of a mailing list to add or remove members only

    There are too many modifiable parameters when a user is defined as list administrator. Only global administrator create list and adjust parameters ; list administrator just have to add and remove members.

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  9. let´s encrypt support

    Implementing of "Lets Encrypt" Certificates ( and automatic renewal of the certificate would be great.
    Would be a great step for easy using of ssl mechanism from MDaemon with trusted (not self signed) certificates.

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  10. Connecting my androide phone

    I like to use my intelligent phone to connect with my e mail adress
    Could you give an information how to do it !

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    Thank you for posting on our idea engine. My first suggestion would be to contact the administrator of your email server. If that is you and you are running MDaemon as your email server there are several different options. Below are some links to help get you started.

    1. You can use IMAP. This is the most basic setup that will only synchronize emails.

    2. You can use IMAP with CardDAV and/or CalDAV. This will synchronize email, calendar, and contacts.

    3. You can use ActiveSync. This will synchronize email, calendar, contacts, tasks, notes.

    If you’d like further assistance, please contact our support team. All of our support options can be found at


  11. Access one's contacts via LDAP

    A user's contacts in MDaemon should be accessible from an eMail client simply via LDAP. Normally contacts within a user's post office box can be accessed from the web interface or via Outlook-Connector. But email clients like Thunderbird connected via IMAP or POP don not have access to contacts - but they could, if MDaemon only spoke LDAP.

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    Thank you for sharing your suggestion for contacts to be available in an LDAP server. This is already possible. MDaemon has the ability to export contact information to any LDAP server that you choose. In addition, contacts are available via ActiveSync (an additional license is required) or via CardDAV.


  12. Import ICS file and share to all as a public calendar

    Import ICS file and share to all mailboxes as a public calendar, making sure the calendar is live and if changes are made to the internet calendar the updated changes are sent to the MDeamon calendar to reflect.

    Exactly like live calendar subscriptions in outlook etc...

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  13. Host screening option to reject inbound EHLO based on criteria

    In the light of recent botnet attacks it's become extremely useful to be able to block within the host screen using wildcards to prevent machines that are clearly compromised systems. Blocking via reverse dns checking helps someway but not in all cases and ideally if communication comes from a EHLO address that is not following RFC guidance of the dns name for the server in question then it should be rejected.

    What I'm asking for in addition to this is the option to be able to enter criteria within the blocking option such as 'if the EHLO is without a…

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    Hello Graham,

    Thank you for sharing your idea with us. Wildcards are supported in the host screening configuration. The difficulty is that email clients don’t use a FQDN when they are sending email. This means that if you were to block any EHLO value that did not include a “.” you would block all email clients that are trying to send mail through your server. This may work for you but it will cause problems for some. This is not to say that your idea is not valid, just that care should be taken. Your suggestion will be considered for future versions.

    It is currently possible to block EHLO values that do not contain a “.”. To do this add an entry for . that is set to accept. Then add a second entry for * that is set to block. The entry to accept . must be above the…

  14. Reposition Email Signatures on Reply and Forward

    MDaemon Signatures do not appear to be signatures as we come to appreciate in Outlook Emails, but rather a message Disclaimer. It would be nice to have the ability to position the signature after a senders message content added as a message reply or message forward. MDaemon currently adds the signatures to the very bottom of the message content of replied and forwarded messages. This doesn't look very professional when all the signatures appear to be grouped at the bottom of the message. It looks confusing. As a side note, users on mobiles devices with ActiveSync should have their mobile…

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    A new signature management tools has been implemented in MDaemon that addresses this issue. Added the ability to configure a signature that is pushed to supported mail clients (Webmail and MDaemon Connector). A default client signature can be set at Setup | Server Settings | Client Signatures or it can be set per domain on the Domain Manager’s “Client Signatures” screen. Use macros such as $CONTACTFULLNAME$, $CONTACTEMAILADDRESS$, to personalize the signature with data pulled from the user’s contact in the domain’s Public Contacts folder. Use the $ATTACH_INLINE:filename$ macro for inline images in the HTML signature. After entering signature text, it will appear in Webmail as the “System” signature, and will become the user’s default signature. It can be enabled/disabled by default at Setup | Web & IM Services | Webmail | Settings or per domain on the Domain Manager’s “Webmail” screen. For MDaemon Connector, the…

  15. Content filtering - indicate the line of the file that was matched by the rules

    Hello, I use the content filtering system to filter mails received.

    When an email is blocked through this system we have for example the following message: Message matched rule: Filtering_rules

    Would it be possible in a future update to indicate the line that blocked the message.

    example: Message matched rule: Filtering_rules - Line 2563

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  16. Additional method of hijack detection

    Hijacked accounts behave different, there are many different IP's that login to the hijacked accounts and send Email.
    So the idea is to detect how many different IP's access an account and send email.
    Have two Options to configure: warn and freeze
    * Warn the admin when in 24h more than 5 different IPs have sent email
    * Freeze the account when in 24h more than 15 different IPs have sent email

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  17. Automate Dynamic IP screening block to permananet IP block after x attempts

    I don't believe this exists. I would like to be able to automate the process that if an IP has been blocked by dynamic screening x amount of times in the past, it is automatically moved into IP screen, marked as refuse connection and notification sent.

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  18. CardDAV

    Include a CardDAV server in MDaemon.

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  19. List not to send to sender

    when someone who is on a "normal" list sends an email to the list that they are not automatically send a copy of the email too. Can the list system be made smart enough to recognize the sender and ignore them on the list?

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  20. Mailing list : refuse message from external domain


    Kindly please add "refuse message from external domain" option in Mailing List Options, the purpose is the mailing list that we create and have the member is not many, and anyone from internal domain can send the email to the that distribution list and didn't want to receive email from external domain.

    I hope this idea can be added soon.

    Thank you

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    Thank you for sharing your idea with us. Messages to mailing lists from external domains can be refused in the current version of MDaemon. If the external domain/email address is a member of the list configure them as a read only member. This can be configured by going to Setup / Mailing List Manager / Select the list / members. Select the member address and click the toggle Read Only button. If they are not a member of the list enable the option to refuse messages from non list members. This can be done by going to Setup / Mailing List Manager / Select the list / Settings. Check the box for Refuse messages from non list members.



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