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176 results found

  1. Configure if let domain administrators at WebAdmin change the established domain purging policy

    Our policy is not to permit messages older than 60 days. But we have some special domains that have other configurations (different days or even no time restriction). Domain administrators have access to alter the pruning settings which makes enforcement difficult.

    If we could restrict access to the quota settings in WebAdmin so that domain administrators couldn't edit them it would make enforcement much easier.

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  2. Centralized management of email templates

    Hello @ all,

    i think it will be a nice feature if E-Mail templates can be designed by Adrministrator in Backand for all users.

    So we have always the same text for E-Mails and it was a great help for our workers if the have all the same template / the same content for this E-Mails.

    Thanks, best regards Thomas

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  3. Option/support to use memory, instead of disk; for anti-spam, Cfilter, and WorldClient

    Under heavy volume (especially a 50% spam rate), CFilter and MSpamD's normal behavior may slow down drive access. Also, WebDaemon becomes erratic and unusable during periods of high volume: this partly from the fact it too uses the HDD for temporary files. The only option to alleviate any of this involves use of a RAMdrive: which I am currently testing, but pretty sure most admins would be uncomfortable with. Whatever can be done in memory, that would not compromise operations; should be supported by default. This would also help SSD users avoid unnecessary drive writes as well: since files/data that…

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    Hello Michael,

    Thank you for sharing your idea with us. Without knowing more about your setup I can’t say for sure but you may be able to improve performance by altering your configurations and/or optimizing the hardware that MDaemon uses. MDaemon is very I/O intensive but solid state drives are usually only necessary in very large installations. We have some recommended hardware specifications available by user size at Alternatively our technical support team would be happy to try to help optimize your server. If you are interested you can find all of our support options at With all of that being said, thank you for your suggestion to optimize the message processing by making better use of the available RAM. We will consider this for future versions of MDaemon.


  4. Content filter: Time Based rules

    sometimes it is needed to have some CF rules enabled only in a specific timeframe.

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  5. attachment (sample) testing in a sandbox

    lots of malware comes to us via email . it looks like bills and other things. in some and more and more cases a normal antivirus system is not able to catch them. so it is good idea to start these attachments in a sandbox to see what happened.

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  6. Different Recall Delays for Internal and External Mail

    Have the ability to set different delays for emails sent internally and externally.

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  7. I need more space for writing Surname and Name property of account

    My custmer needs to write "Amministrazione - Casa Cura Leonardo" by now he can write only "Amministrazione - Casa Cure Le"

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  8. Allow authentication against an LDAP directory without full integration

    Allow MDaemon to authenticate users against an LDAP directory (by performing an LDAP bind, optionally using a proxy user first).

    We don't want to and we can't let MDaemon write to our directory. Therefore it would be great if we created the user we could just say "for authentication go look at ldap server and try to authenticate there". The rest of the configuration is local in MDaemon. (We want to integrate with our LDAP, not assimilate it from MDaemon).

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    Thank you for sharing your idea with us to allow MDaemon to authenticate to an LDAP database. If you’re LDAP database happens to be Active Directory you can already do this.

    Your request to allow MDaemon to authenticate with other 3rd party LDAP databases will be considered for future versions.


  9. Backup during upgrade

    During an upgrade, like to 14.0.1, the auto backup that runs during the install only backs up the App and Spamassassin folders.
    However, depending on what is upgraded during the install of the new software, you may need other folders to roll back to the previous version, if an issue is found, such as Worldclient and Webadmin. Otherwise you need to either manually back these up prior to install or get them back from an alternative backup source.
    Would it be possible to add this functionality to the system to ensure the ability to swiftly and cleanly roll back if…

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  10. ComAgent - Ability to send directly a screen snapshot

    We use ComAgent internaly between several services, somes of them have asked for a new feature in comAgent : it would be nice to be able to take and send directly a snapshot of the screen to a contact via IM.
    (like using the Capture tools of Windows 7).

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  11. 6 votes

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  12. Split the SMTP (in) log in several files

    The "SMTP (in) log" (and screen) is a very useful tool for debugging and/or checking when someone complaints an email is "missing".

    However, due to the amount of useless traffic spammers and crackers generate it can be full of useless information.

    I think that an option should be given to split the SMTP (in) in the following categories:

    a) SMTP (in accepted): Only logs sessions where an email has been delivered

    b) SMTP (in rejected): Only logs sessions where an email has been rejected after the DATA command (for example with a 550 this looks as SPAM)

    c) SMTP (in…

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  13. HTML Autoresponder

    It would be nice if Mdaemon add html with inline image format for autorespond like in signature.

    So the sender will receive a reply and can see the company logo or more colorful instead black and white.

    Hope it can be implemented soon.


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  14. SMIME

    Please add the ability to use a wildcard SMIME certificate for all user accounts (Server side decryption of incoming and Signing of outgoing)

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  15. autorespond time interval

    set up autoresponder time interval, its annoying if receive autoresponder every day.

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  16. Import Outlook Rules in mdaemon

    It would be great to have an import/export function in order to have the possibility of import outlook mail rules to Mdaemon Filter.

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  17. Auto Respons function, Separate response messages depending on whether it is a local or external account

    In Exchange, you can choose two different auto reply messages depending on whether the sender is a local account on the mail server (colleagues) or if the sender is external.

    Very useful when you are on vacation you might want to inform your colleagues about how to manage internal affairs during the absence, you can inform about the times they can call even though you have holiday etc.

    External response will not contain that information.

    You may also be able to develop this great feature even better than Exchange, so you can choose which domains alternatively specific people who will…

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  18. Add ability to force SSL/TLS connections for all authenticated users

    Currently the only option available is to force MSA clients to use SSL/TLS, but should be an option for all authenticating clients. TLS uses the standard ports, so they cannot currently be forced to use encryption. Any authenticated POP, IMAP and SMTP should be subject to this.

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    Hello Brian,

    Thanks for sharing your ideas to force SSL/TLS for all clients. We will look into adding options for force TLS/SSL for IMAP and POP clients in a future version. One option to force POP and IMAP users to use SSL is to only allow the SSL ports for these protocols through the firewall. Another option is to turn off support for plain text passwords. This will force the users to choose a secure means of transmitting the password which are either the use of Cram-MD5 or an SSL/TLS connection. Forcing the use of SSL/TLS on port 25 may result in other servers not being able to send you email, but it is possible to do using the STARTTLS Required List.



  19. ability to send file with drag & drop via comagent

    It would be very nice if I could just Drag & Drop file/Files to Comagent window. And nice too if reciewer could automaticly allow files via comaget to download folder. It would Just save time.

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  20. Script to know/purge share's folder when users are gone or disabled

    it could be a good thing to have a script (periodic) or manual into mdaemon to know "ghosts" permissions shared.

    Sometimes, i noticed users are gone to another society, but folder's sharing still have her mail and right,

    the script could be compare the users disabled or missing in the database, and scan folders permissions, and make a rapport.

    After administrator could make decision to let it or purge


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