Xmpp /Minger
It would be nice to have features with Xmpp that would allow us to connect/use minger features across servers
Thank you for sharing your ideas with us to provide a method for user1@domain.com on MDaemon serverA to chat with user2@domain.com on MDaemon ServerB. We will look into this for future versions.
Anonymous commented
We use minger across physical locations to relay emails between servers, for the same domain. So, if the account "Ray" is on server 2, but mail comes in on server 1 first, it is relayed to server 2 (if the account exists). That allows me to not have the Ray account on server 1. A similar "concept" would be nice across servers, for xmpp. So for now, if I tie-in my xmpp client on server 2, I cannot "see" or talk to the users on server 1. Maybe Minger is not the correct feature to point out, but the "spirit" of its functionality is what I was thinking about.