Add Graphical Statistical Add-on for MDaemon
I wish there was an Add-on for MDaemon that can Analyze the MDaemon Logs & give Administrator, Statistical information about E-mails like:
- Number of E-mail from/to a Box/Domain or Domains .
- Size of E-mails from/to a Box/Domain or Domains .
- Information regarding to Protocols ( Imap/Smtp/Pop3 ) .
- Statistics about How a E-mail Box worked by Send/Rec. E-mails .
- Latest information about Time/Date of Users E-mails .
I think that, if Alt-n prepare this Add-on, it will be better than others 3'th Party Companies.
Reports have been added to MDaemon 13.6.0 for bandwidth usage, inbound vs. outbound messages, good vs. junk messages, inbound messages processed, top recipients by number of messages, top recipients by size, outbound messages processed, top spam sources, top recipients of spam, viruses blocked, and virus blocked by name.
Yogesh Panchal commented
This same Inquiry i have from my clients.