Add support for virtual folders, available via WorldClient, IMAP, OC, API
At present, clients accessing the object base managed by MDaemon, can only see and are offered real and actual folders existing on the file system of the server. Add the ability to define virtual folders. There could be two kind of virtual folders: (A) those provided by MDaemon itself (say, the union of two or more real folders of the same type: messages, calendars, contacts etc.), and (B) those provided by plug-in libraries developed by ISV.
Since MDaemon 13.0, with the introduction of generic file folders, a useful virtual folder would be a union of folders of different default tipe, which contain related pieces of information, but which we are forced to keep in different and independent folders due to the typed nature of MDaemon object base folders.

Thank you for your idea Emanuele. We will explore this further and consider it for future planning.