ComAgent: Save recipient list for group chats
It would be nice to be able to save a recipient list for group chats so that instead of having to select each recipient every time you start a group chat you could select a pre-saved group to send the message to.

Hello Marco,
No worries, I’m glad you like our Idea Engine. Thank you for following up with additional details. Your request will be considered for future versions of MDaemon.
Dan Wallace commented
This would be great, since moving over to XMPP we've really struggled to get by with Comagent (WorldClient IM?), a tool that we found really useful prior to the upgrade for sending quick announcements to groups of staff. Having to create a chatroom everytime to send to the same group of users is a right royal pain in the doo-dar!
Austin Gomes commented
Yes. You should allow department name to be entered in the account details. This department name can then be used to group accounts under a particular department in ComAgent.
Other than this personalised grouping of accounts should also be allowed. -
Jörgen Bartosz commented
This would be a great improvement to us also. We use ComAgent for group chat in our alamrmonitoring center. The agents/Operators are situated in different cities and they use this for IM and love it but they would also benefit from a function were they were able to connect new users to existing groupchats. // Jörgen CTO Svensk BevakningsTjänst AB Sweden
Marco Pirovano commented
Hi Arron, sorry, I'm just trying this wonderful tool!
I'd use ComAgent to chat with a group of users at the same time (you can create groups to which to write, for example).