Read-only administrators
At present, SG users can have one out of three roles:
1) global administrator (rw)
2) domain administrator (domain+ rw)
3) normal user (mailbox rw)
I was asked if it is possible to creare read-only administrator users:
1) global administrator (rw)
1.1) global read-only administrator (r)
2) domain administrator (domain+ rw)
2.1) domain read-only administrator (domain+ r)
3) normal user (mailbox rw)

Hello Emanuele,
Thank you for the additional information. It will be considered for future versions.
Emanuele Aliberti commented
I was asked if it was possible to create such limited administrator-like users, from the CIO of a company who has some co-workers to whom he does not want to delegate full SG queue management, but just let them review the quarantine and the retry queue, to report back to him about what they found. There is no such a role in current SG release.
An ACL system would probably be more appropriate for the task, but just limiting existing roles could probably be easier and less expensive to implement for Alt-N in a future release of Security Gateway.
Thanks for your reply.