void nagging "loading..." frame
in the web interface
the "loading" rame overlay results really noisy (not sure about the translation, in italian "Caricamento in corso")
Usuallly waiting for it nags me
- at login, I don't need statistics if I'm just going to a settings or message queues
- opening message queues, most of the times I'll do a search (at least to limit the date/time), so I don't need to wait loading the whole message database
- instead of overlying the whole page, ovelay just the loading part (the statistics images, or the message list) so that refreshing that part stops loading (e.g. doing a search in message queues)
- add a "stop loading" link in the frame, for when is not useful

Thank you for sharing your idea with us to make SecurityGateway faster. There is currently an option to not load the graphs automatically. You can change it by going to My Account / Settings. Depending on what is slowing down the login, this may or may nnt help. If its something else causing the login to be slow, you can try a backup and restore of the SecurityGateway database. This process cleans up system information and can reduce the size of the database. We will look into options for improving login performance for a future version.