Cyril COHU
My feedback
6 results found
2 votes
Hello Cyril,
Thank you for submitting your idea. It will be considered for future versions of OutlookConnector.
Cyril COHU shared this idea ·
7 votes
Hello Cyril,
Thanks for sharing your suggestion with us. It will be considered for future versions of OutlookConnector.
Cyril COHU shared this idea ·
0 votes
Hello Cyril,
Thank you for sharing another great idea with us. Just so that everyone is aware the current documents folders in MDaemon cannot be viewed from OutlookConnector. Your request to support links to documents will be considered for future versions of MDaemon.
Cyril COHU shared this idea ·
10 votes
We are considering adding this to future versions of MDaemon.
Cyril COHU supported this idea ·
3 votes
Hello Cyril,
Thank you for your suggestion to encrypt the files in the attachment directory. We will consider this for future versions of OutlookConnector.
Cyril COHU shared this idea ·
11 votes
Thank you for submitting your idea, it will be considered for future versions of MDaemon.
Cyril COHU supported this idea ·