For public's folder, is there anyway to have only html links for files..
For public folder's Is there anyway, for next version of Mdaemon/oc to have a specific behaviour and "an option" for public folder's, (which contains mails) to have only link to attachments, they contained
I'd like to publish some informatiion into public folders, but if i synchronise them into wan with OC, bandwith will not be enough, and all public data will be replicated to the pc's wan users.
Publics folders can actually be used in LAN with OC, or Wan with OC with TSE and Citrix, but... not Wan with OC... or just also for few data like contacts or task.
So it will be better to have special behaviour for publics folders with link to files. (links should be dynamics, as when we download the OC via lookout, because sometimes we use the private ip and sometimes the public).

Hello Cyril,
Thank you for sharing another great idea with us. Just so that everyone is aware the current documents folders in MDaemon cannot be viewed from OutlookConnector. Your request to support links to documents will be considered for future versions of MDaemon.