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186 results found

  1. Option to insert a logo on top right corner of each outgoing email

    Option to insert a logo on top right corner of each outgoing email

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  2. Test Email Delivery

    The ability to "Send a Test Email" to a group list to show which recipients will receive it if external, and if internal which folder the email message will reside in once delivered.

    The email would not actually get delivered as the purpose is to she who will get it and where would it be stored.

    This would be ideal for customers who have mailing groups within mail groups with mailing groups.

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  3. SMIME

    Please add the ability to use a wildcard SMIME certificate for all user accounts (Server side decryption of incoming and Signing of outgoing)

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  4. Instant Messenger

    Ability to add a Customizable Disclaimer when a new chat session is started with a contact from my buddies list.

    Example: when I start a chat, the following is displayed: "This chat app must be used in accordance with the companies IT Policy. This chat session is logged." etc...

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  5. Mail Opt Out

    We deal with a lot of automated email messaging systems. These systems are all usually capable of sending email, but not easily managing opt out requests. It seems to me that it would be a good feature to have, if you had a a mail account that is being used to send email keep track of who the emails are being sent to, and then if someone replies back with a Opt Out request that it track it inside a Opt Out Contacts list. The idea is to simply stop that email account from sending future emails to someone who…

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    Thanks for sharing your ideas with us. This could be done with a plugin, however, it would require that you write a custom plugin for your environment. You may also be able to accomplish this using the content filter. You would need one rule to monitor inbound email for unsubscribe requests and when found adds the senders email address to a text file and a second rule that checks the X-MDaemon-Deliver-To header of outbound emails for words from the same text file.

    A system that doesn’t require the manual creation of content filter rules will be considered for future versions.


  6. Centralized management of email templates

    Hello @ all,

    i think it will be a nice feature if E-Mail templates can be designed by Adrministrator in Backand for all users.

    So we have always the same text for E-Mails and it was a great help for our workers if the have all the same template / the same content for this E-Mails.

    Thanks, best regards Thomas

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  7. Automatically add holidays to Calendar


    i think it will be a very nice tool if holidays (e.x. german holidays) can be shown on calendars like google calendar.

    Thanks, best regards Thomas

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  8. Calendar-Item delete only for Creator

    In Exchange you have an right: Edit a calendar-item only for the creator. MDaemon not different about Creator or User.

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  9. MDaemon Statistics Report

    Documentation about MDaemon Statistics should be added.

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  10. Out of office response add-on

    Please include option to add a once only vacation response during specified time of absence based on email account

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  11. Add an option to SPF Verification to require an SPF record

    This option would require senders to have a valid SPF record, so that an SPF result of "NONE" would be equal to an SPF result of "Failure".

    Of course, there would have to be a corresponding option to bypass that requirement for authenticated sessions and a whitelist to add in hosts or domain names that for whatever reason can't create or don't yet have an SPF record for that domain.

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    Hi Dave,

    Thank you for sharing your idea to add an option that would require a sender to have an SPF record configured. You can achieve similar functionality in the current version of MDaemon by enabling the option to Insert ‘Received-SPF’ headers into messages and then use the content filter to check for the existence of these headers. If the header doesn’t exist or has a value of none, you can take action on the message.

    Thanks again for suggestion,


  12. Ability to change the date format returned by $AR_START$ and $AR_END$

    Would be helpful to be able to control the format of the date returned by these macros.


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  13. Split the SMTP (in) log in several files

    The "SMTP (in) log" (and screen) is a very useful tool for debugging and/or checking when someone complaints an email is "missing".

    However, due to the amount of useless traffic spammers and crackers generate it can be full of useless information.

    I think that an option should be given to split the SMTP (in) in the following categories:

    a) SMTP (in accepted): Only logs sessions where an email has been delivered

    b) SMTP (in rejected): Only logs sessions where an email has been rejected after the DATA command (for example with a 550 this looks as SPAM)

    c) SMTP (in…

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  14. Add to Dynamic screen refused hosts

    We have a lot of hosts on Security Settings > Screen Host.

    For example we have *, *.pur?.net, *, * and more. Basically all this big companies that pretend to send solicited bulk mail but all they do is send unsolicited bulk mail. Thanks to this entries we have reduces our incoming mail by 90%.

    The problem is this companies have loads of hosts and they try and try and try to send emails even when you reply with a 550 after the HELO several times.

    Since added all those hosts to Screen Host our number of SMTP sessions (in)…

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    Hello David,

    Thank you for sharing your idea with us. It will be considered for future versions.

    One thing I would like to clarify though. Adding the IP addresses of connections that are blocked by host screening to the IP screening list won’t actually stop the incoming SMTP session. It will allow MDaemon to reject the connection more quickly, but all the resources needed to establish the connection are still used. Your suggestion would save MDaemon from having to do the PTR lookup on the IP address, if its enabled, and would cause connections to be logged in the screening log instead of in the inbound SMTP log.

    Thanks again for your suggestion,


  15. IP Shield screen to allow comments like the Trusted IP Screen

    Would it be possible to add the ability to have comments for the entries on the IP Shield screen? Similar to the way you can do this on the Trusted IP Screen. It would be a handy little reminder so people could see at a glance who and why the IP addresses is in the IP Shield.

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  16. Include Origin IP Address in Spam Trap and Bayesian Folder listings

    It would / may be helpful to include the origin IP Address as a separate column when viewing spam and suspect spam in the Queues \ Spam Trap and Queues \ Bayesian contents. This would allow the email administrator to sort by IP Address as a "fingerprint" when investigating incidents.

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  17. I need more space for writing Surname and Name property of account

    My custmer needs to write "Amministrazione - Casa Cura Leonardo" by now he can write only "Amministrazione - Casa Cure Le"

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  18. additional fields while creating user

    Dear support,

    Please add additional fields while creating new user. like Employee code, telephone no., designation, dept. etc.

    so that we can add more details about user in mdaemon.

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  19. 6 votes

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  20. Instalation of MDaemon opens relevant Windows Firewall rules automatically

    It would be very useful if MDaemon configured the relevant Windows Firewall rules when installed. This is especially relevant on server O/S where by default the windows firewall blocks all incoming access.

    This should be a simple case of running the netsh advfirewall commans e.g.

    netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="MDaemon SMTP IN" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=25

    netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="MDaemon SMTP Out" dir=out action=allow protocol=TCP localport=25

    If this could be done for all Running services and also rules were deleted and recreated if ports change for these services or updated it would make it much easier for…

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