Long Running (stay connected) and Live Log Display (refresh interval)
I really like the MDaemon client's log that can be continually live for administrator viewing.
I would like to see something similar in the SG. I would like to see options for the web client:
1) Length of time to stay connected before auto logging out
Options right on the detail Logs and Messages Logs (All, Quarantine, etc) screens:
2) Automatic Log Refresh (enable/disable checkbox) and refresh interval
Behavior for the Messages Logs (All, Quarantine, etc.)
3) Disable Automatic Logging when any of the Message links are clicked. Uncheck the Automatic Logging checkbox immediately when disabling the Automatic Logging.
Hello Arnold,
Thank you for your suggestion to add the ability to have the logs updated in real time in the SecurityGateway GUI. We will consider adding this for future versions of SecurityGateway.