Implement an administrative Enable/Disable option for the "automatic whitelisting feature” for user conversations
Just imagine a user starts to correspond with a SPAM address for what reason ever (released from quarantine e.g.).
Because of this “convenient feature” from this time on all future conversations sent to that user from this specific address most of the security checks are automatically(!) “disabled” because of that “automatic whitelisting” feature. Sorry, but that’s a security evil function!
Currently from administrative point of view there is only the option to set “default settings”, but can be changed anytime by the user….
That is – from security point of view – absolutely dangerous! Because once whitelisted a lot of security features won’t apply to those emails sent to the user. So please – not only default values here, but administrative Enable/Disable options which are mandatory for the users!
With best regards

Thank you for your feedback. Adding an option for Administrators to prevent users from automatically adding addresses to the whitelist will be considered for future versions.
Thanks again,