Challenge-Response Email
can you consider to add feature chalenge-response email, for the first time only if someone send an email from domain has been known or unknown, the server will check whether the domain has a valid reputation, ptr record, etc... if not the server will send a verification email to the sender to check if the sender is human or spam ? and send to postmaster for this information. and if the sender follow the link or other scheme on verification email, the server will automatically add the domain into whitelist in reverse lookup and the email has been hold before will be released and delivery to the user email on the server.
for your reference this feature i see from cpanel box trapper and i think is very helpfull for the administrator Mail Server.
Thank you

Hello Raymond,
Thank you for submitting your idea to add a challenge response system to MDaemon. Unfortunately, we have no plans to implement a challenge response system.
Anonymous commented
We are a reseller, with about half a dozen Alt-N installs. Our customers are increasingly using, which provides a challenge/response service for $60 per year per user. While most would prefer to stay with their email server, they want that functionality.
Peter Atkin commented
I know this has been closed, but I think this might be useful.
were using a challenge response system where the emails fails to pass the spam filter and has not been in some why been black list / blocked, its so far proved very affective.
Peter Atkin commented
Could be implemented via Alt-N Mdaemon rules? just an idea the logic seems simple enough..
if you respond white list, if not then dump or archive after set period of time.
of course you can pre-add known e-mails address to the white list to help streamline the process.
CRS have no need to be complicated spammers don't normally use there own real e-mails address? so what the point of a complex system?