The Account Manager needs to be more useful
When you go into the Account Manager window you cannot do any bulk changes on the accounts. I want to be able to do basic tasks, such as add a group of people to a new Group or List with a couple of clicks and not have to go through very long winded procedures or start editing dat or ini files !
This functionality was added to MDaemon 20.0.0.
Anonymous commented
please add also more columns in account manager, like % of space free/occupied (respect to quota), last check mail date (spc if web/pop/imap), last pwd changed date, and so on... thanks!
I also updated our system so that the changes to list membership you mentioned will be considered for future versions.
ADS commented
Hi Arron I really think that is a big oversight that the current list members don't show up. It would save a lot of time if they did as they do in the Group membership list. Why do it for one thing, but not another ?
Hopefully you will put that forward also as an item to add!
Cheers for your responses.
ADS commented
Thanks for your response Arron. I am aware of these ways of adding users to Groups and Lists already thank you. However this still doesn't solve my predicament. If you notice in the edit Lists part, the users that are already in that list are not shown when you go to edit the List. All users are unticked each time meaning it is not immediately clear who is added and who is not. This is different from the Groups section where current users are shown ticked. (is this an issue in my installation?)
My idea was that while in Account Manager you could select the users you want and potentially right click and add them that way and perform other tasks also such as delete, disable, and other functions.
Also there is no way to add users into a group when importing them from a SAM database.
Kind Regards
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ADS commented
Hi Arron.
Well as you may already know if you go into the Account Manager, it only really lets you work on accounts individually which is fine if its only one account you need to edit.
However the problem comes when you want to change a group of people.
At our school/business we have many groups of people (different staff groupings, pupils, etc). I'm having to use a combination of Groups and Lists in order to organise our users.
I want to be able to go into Account Manager select several email accounts, right click and perform different actions such as "add to a group", "add to a mail list", and many other actions I can think of. Currently I have import the account from our AD server, then add them to the right mail list(s) and then add them to the appropriate Group. This is very time consuming.