Stastical logging of IP Screening
Would love to see some type of statistical logging of the activity in IP Screening. This would be a great presentation tool for email security training to ownership and users, as well as illustrating how many thwarted spam or malicious emails were being blocked per day.
The latest version of MDaemon now includes reports that show connections blocked by IP and Dynamic Screening.
Thank you for the suggestion.
Steve Musser commented
I would like to see a condensed listing on the MDaemon Configuration Session window perhaps in the same area as Spam, DNSBL and Virus listings (total, today, yesterday, etc.). This could simply be totals for blocked by 1)IP screening refused connection or 2)Dynamic screening added IP.
A separate more detailed report might condense the entire days activity into a listing IP or dynamic screening and then totals by IP.
Finally, adding these statistics to the Reports section in WebAdmin would bring it all together and really enhance WebAdmin.