Extend the Auto Responder/Out of Office to allow for an "Every Day Between the Hours of X & Y" or similar
We have had several users who work Part Time and want to enable an auto response, every day to kick in when they finish early for the day. (i.e. finish at 3pm instead of 5pm). Currently the Auto Responder has to be reset every day, instead of being left to "Auto" :)

The ability to schedule autoresponders based on the day of the week has been added to MDaemon 14.5.0.
Pat commented
It would also be a great if this could be set up so you could enable the AR for certain days of the week at certain times, so have an option to have an advances AR schedule and give the user a days of the week drop down box along with to and from times so the user can enable the AR for Monday from x to y time, then on Friday they could have it on for different times and so on. So if the employee is only in on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9am to 5pm, and is in on Thursday from 8am to 2pm this could be accommodated.
Hello Sergey,
MDaemon does not currently support sending a single autoresponder response for the entire period of an absence. Please submit a new idea for your request so that others can vote on it.
Hello Bram,
Please contact our technical support team for assistance. You can find all of our support options at http://www.altn.com/Support/.
Sergey commented
Hello All.
My director needs only one autoanswer for all period of absence (not one autoanswer per day). This option works, for example, in Exchange Server but not in Mdaemon. -
Bram Borgers commented
Other Issue here. Or Engineer as to put the auto reply function on for people who are sick and put it out again when they are better, if he is out that day they auto relpy stays on a day too long. We use Mdeamon with outlook and Eudora as mail clients at different people.
So no intergrated features yet in use and no webclient for the users.
Passwords are like: hdjk3#%jd so nobody can or will remember that.Is it possible that a manager who recieves the sick notifications can simply get the auto reply on by sending an e-mai to the sicks persons e-mailadres.. .something like: subject: ##AUTOREPLY=ON## or ##AUTOREPLY=OFF##
Is there something like that possible... Other ways people can do it themselfs from home with-out the world client? if not please put it on the list for all improvements of the auto reply function please. It would help us.
If we are the only ones asking..... we just have to find a better way of solving this and like to know if others use auto reply when someone is sick or what they do?
What do you do?
Thanks Bram -
Bram Borgers commented
In Holland it is very common to work 3 or 4 days. The other days of the week an automatic reply function would be welkom. I now set it every wednessday. ('Daddy day') for me.