Welcome to MDaemon Technologies' Suggestion Box
Listening to our customers is more than part of our mission statement, it is part of our culture. Do you have an idea that can improve our products or process? Please share it with us!
333 results found
Different session time out settings for World Client depending on IP Address
Different session time out settings for World Client depending on if it is being accessed from the LAN or from a remote session.
When connecting remotely security is critical, as users could be connecting from any device, in any environment.
On the LAN security is not as critical, and there is a known environment, and users more likely to lock their computers when they leave them.
Allowing different session time out settings for LAN, VPN and 'other' would help remove the inconvenience of repeatedly entering passwords to use world client on the LAN, but still allow a short time out…
12 votesHello,
Thank you for submitting your idea, it will be considered for future versions of MDaemon.
Domain autoresponders
We run multiple domains on mdaemon, and would like the to implement a domain wide autoresponder when we have an annual shutdown, this is not possible at present so we have a rule in the content filter that sends a reply to all recieved e-mails over the shutdown, the problem with this is that if a response is sent to an email address that does not accept replies we get a mail back again saying the mail address does not accept replies, our rule sends the 'auto responder' response back again and it results in a ping pong match between…
12 votes -
Allow rule based routing of SIP/T.38 DID
When logging is turned on you can see the inbound DID called within the log. It would be helpful to allow routing of faxes based on the number called as you can with the usual DID based routing.
12 votesHello ,
Thank you for sharing your idea with us to allow routing based on the number called when using SIP. This will be considered for future versions of RelayFax.
Thanks again,
Account Pruning
Ability to exclude pruning of certain IMAP folders. Would like to be able to inform users to create certain folders and save email in those folders that would never be pruned. Right now we can prune inbox and/or all IMAP folders. If we don't choose IMAP folders even the send items folder would not be pruned.
12 votesHi Bob,
Thanks for your additional feedback. Your idea will be considered for future versions of MDaemon.
Calendar Synchronization between servers
I know a few have requested systems involving the Calendar, but may I also add this idea..
It would be nice to have a Calendar system that I can synchronise between MDaemon Servers. We operate two sites and require a system where everybody can access the same corporate calendar system, which is proving difficult to sync through present methods.
Many thanks!
11 votesHello Matthew,
Thanks you for sharing your idea to synchronize a calendar between servers. It will be considered for future versions of MDaemon.
Arron -
Mdaemon, push, intranet, rss etc...
It would be great to have a new module into Mdaemon, which can be use by administrator or other personne with good rights to publish some information, on the first open page of mdaemon lookout (but also in a first open page into outlook).
Actually we try to use an intranet with "phpbb" but users don't use it because it is not into outlook , which is the main open program...
the module, could be a little html wysiwyg,, (like phpbb) and administrators could be suscribed users. (users don't suscribeb themselves, they didn't do..).
Because we are wan users,…
11 votesHello,
Thank you for submitting your idea, it will be considered for future versions of MDaemon.
Sort contacts public notebook
Sort the contacts of the public book by departments, it is very messy, when you look at the public address book and want to see all the people belonging to a department, or you just want to order the book by departments.
11 votesHello,
Thank you for sharing your idea with us to add the ability to sort the contact list by department. It will be considered for future versions.
Thanks again,
Arron -
reverse lookup report
Reverse Lookup Report.
for some case, sometimes there is good email without an ptr record. it make us always get complain from our user, and we must do whitelist from that email.
sound it's simple but, mostly our email partner didnt have a ptr record, and it make us very busy to find out rejected email on our server.
we hope mdaemon can make a report to identify rejected mail from reverse lookup.
10 votesHello Ruben,
Thank you for sharing your idea with us. The ability to generate a report that shows messages rejected because of PTR records will be considered for future versions.
Thanks again,
Centrally managed RSS feed
Last Outlook versions have RSS feed support.
An enterprise RSS feed managed would be an interesting feature for MDaemon. An administrator can manage RSS feed for all users or groups, letting them to add personal ones and eventually block deletion of inherit ones.
10 votesWe are considering adding this to future versions of MDaemon.
Embed LibreOffice Online to edit uploaded documents in Documentes folders without downloading them locally
With MDaemon 13.0 new feature for sharing generic files using WorldClient (Document folders) comes the need to possibly edit those very documents when you have no local storage to download them. Therefore it would be nice, when it will be available, to embed a free, but rich and powerful office document editing suite like LibreOffice, which is announced to be available with a HTML5 frontend at some date in 2013.
10 votesHello Emanuele,
Thank you for sharing another fantastic idea with us. We will look into providing the ability to edit documents that have been uploaded into a documents folder.
Acknowledgement Message
As you may know, Mdaemon has the Read Confirmation and Delivery Confirmation. However, these features may not be affective if the users decide to click on "Cancel" or not even click on the broadcast email that you send to them.
If you want your users to read a very important message or announcement, the only way that you can do is to force them to read it. Therefore, Acknowledgement Message is the way to go.
Right after a users log in to his/her email account, the whole WorldClient email interface will be replaced by a small windows that contains the…
9 votesHello,
Thank you for submitting your idea to require users to acknowledge reading a message. It will be considered for future versions.
Expire user accounts on specific date
Ability to set a user/mailbox expiration date on a per user/per domain basis.
9 votesThis will be considered for future versions of MDaemon.
Configure if let domain administrators at WebAdmin change the established domain purging policy
Our policy is not to permit messages older than 60 days. But we have some special domains that have other configurations (different days or even no time restriction). Domain administrators have access to alter the pruning settings which makes enforcement difficult.
If we could restrict access to the quota settings in WebAdmin so that domain administrators couldn't edit them it would make enforcement much easier.
9 votesAccountprune may help with this but it would be easier to have the option to prevent domain admins from editing quota settings. This will be considered for future versions.
Dynamic Screening - Tracking the device who triggers the login failures
Dynamic Screening - Tracking the device who triggers the login failures.
It would be helpfull if a name from a device added to the log. So troubleshooting of logon failures would be much easier.9 votesHello,
Thank you for your suggestion to include client information. Can you provide additional details about what you would like to see added to the log? Which name would you like to see added to the log? Is this for a specific protocol or all protocols? Which log would you like the information added to?
Arron -
Add support for virtual folders, available via WorldClient, IMAP, OC, API
At present, clients accessing the object base managed by MDaemon, can only see and are offered real and actual folders existing on the file system of the server. Add the ability to define virtual folders. There could be two kind of virtual folders: (A) those provided by MDaemon itself (say, the union of two or more real folders of the same type: messages, calendars, contacts etc.), and (B) those provided by plug-in libraries developed by ISV.
Since MDaemon 13.0, with the introduction of generic file folders, a useful virtual folder would be a union of folders of different default tipe,…
9 votesThank you for your idea Emanuele. We will explore this further and consider it for future planning.
Option/support to use memory, instead of disk; for anti-spam, Cfilter, and WorldClient
Under heavy volume (especially a 50% spam rate), CFilter and MSpamD's normal behavior may slow down drive access. Also, WebDaemon becomes erratic and unusable during periods of high volume: this partly from the fact it too uses the HDD for temporary files. The only option to alleviate any of this involves use of a RAMdrive: which I am currently testing, but pretty sure most admins would be uncomfortable with. Whatever can be done in memory, that would not compromise operations; should be supported by default. This would also help SSD users avoid unnecessary drive writes as well: since files/data that…
8 votesHello Michael,
Thank you for sharing your idea with us. Without knowing more about your setup I can’t say for sure but you may be able to improve performance by altering your configurations and/or optimizing the hardware that MDaemon uses. MDaemon is very I/O intensive but solid state drives are usually only necessary in very large installations. We have some recommended hardware specifications available by user size at http://www.altn.com/Products/MDaemon-Email-Server-Windows/System-Requirements/. Alternatively our technical support team would be happy to try to help optimize your server. If you are interested you can find all of our support options at http://www.altn.com/Support/. With all of that being said, thank you for your suggestion to optimize the message processing by making better use of the available RAM. We will consider this for future versions of MDaemon.
Show RSS Feeds in MDaemon WebMail (WorldClient)
Add the ability to manage and display RSS feeds from within MDaemon WebMail (WorldClient)
8 votesHello,
We will consider implementing RSS feeds in future versions of WorldClient.
Content filter: Time Based rules
sometimes it is needed to have some CF rules enabled only in a specific timeframe.
8 votesHello Renato,
Thank you for your idea to configure times when rules are applied. It will be considered for future versions of MDaemon.
Arron -
Different Recall Delays for Internal and External Mail
Have the ability to set different delays for emails sent internally and externally.
Thanks8 votesHi Chris,
Thanks for sharing your idea with us to allow different message recall delays based on whether the recipient is internal or external. It will be considered for future versions.
Thanks again,
Arron -
attachment (sample) testing in a sandbox
lots of malware comes to us via email . it looks like bills and other things. in some and more and more cases a normal antivirus system is not able to catch them. so it is good idea to start these attachments in a sandbox to see what happened.
8 votesHello,
Thank you for sharing your idea with us. It will be considered for future versions.
Thanks again,
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