Welcome to MDaemon Technologies' Suggestion Box
Listening to our customers is more than part of our mission statement, it is part of our culture. Do you have an idea that can improve our products or process? Please share it with us!
336 results found
Send on Behalf Of with Permission Management
It would be nice to be able to manage the permissions for sending on behalf of.
Each user should be able to decide who can send on its behalf and who is not. With a management similar to that relating to permissions shared folders.
Now every user can send on behalf of everyone and in my opinion is not correct68 votesHello Alessandro,
Thanks you for sharing your idea. It will be considered for future versions of MDaemon. Currently, you can require users to send email using their email address by enabling the SMTP Authentication options for “Authentication is always required when mail is from local accounts” and “Authentication credentials must match those of the email sender”, however, with these options enabled there is not a way to allow one user to send on behalf of another user.
Arron -
Add Graphical Statistical Add-on for MDaemon
I wish there was an Add-on for MDaemon that can Analyze the MDaemon Logs & give Administrator, Statistical information about E-mails like:
- Number of E-mail from/to a Box/Domain or Domains .
- Size of E-mails from/to a Box/Domain or Domains .
- Information regarding to Protocols ( Imap/Smtp/Pop3 ) .
- Statistics about How a E-mail Box worked by Send/Rec. E-mails .
- Latest information about Time/Date of Users E-mails .
I think that, if Alt-n prepare this Add-on, it will be better than others 3'th Party Companies.
56 votesHello,
Reports have been added to MDaemon 13.6.0 for bandwidth usage, inbound vs. outbound messages, good vs. junk messages, inbound messages processed, top recipients by number of messages, top recipients by size, outbound messages processed, top spam sources, top recipients of spam, viruses blocked, and virus blocked by name.
Arron -
Show as Conversations Outlook 2010
Please add support for the Show as Conversations view in Outlook 2010.
50 votesHello Kristian,
Thank you for submitting your idea to add support for the show as conversation view in Outlook 2010. It will will be considered for future versions.
Arron -
Show mailing list members in Outlook / OC
We make use of different organizational units, each with their own mailing list. It would be nice to check the members of a mailing list in Outlook before you post a message. Or add a feature on the OC ribbon to check mailing list members.
47 votesWe will consider adding this for future versions of OutlookConnector.
Integration with MailStore
MailStore search integration - at least a quick link to MS Web search in header and ability to open attached EML's it returns when messages are restored. Ideally an integrated search bar.
41 votesHello James,
Thank you for submitting your idea integrate with MailStore. It will be considered for future versions.
Add the ability to manage contact categories in MDaemon
It would be nice to be able to manage the contact categories from MDaemon.
37 votesHello,
Thank you for submitting this idea, it will be considered for future versions of MDaemon and OutlookConnector.
Per user read/unread status
I have been testing MDaemon & other email server software in order to put them into production in our office.
MDaemon has two ways of sharing emails : Public folders & shared folders with their own ACLs. In public folders the flags can be either per user or shared flags with other users. If the flags are shared with other users, then the Read, Unread, Replied, Forwarded, etc. all status are shared with other users, this way one can know which emails have been replied or forwarded. However if the Public Folders are configured with Per User IMAP flag settings,…
35 votesThank for your post. We’ll review these and possibly split them into different ideas to facilitate accurate voting and feedback.
Sharing documents using Document folder inside Outlook connector
WordClinet support this option, What about Outlook Connector...
I want to stop "dropbox" usage when the same can be done on comapny mail server34 votesHello Isaac,
Thank you for submitting your idea. It will be considered for future versions of OutlookConnector.
Manage emails as tasks
Provide a zero-inbox and task-based approach to managing emails. Support the GTD methodology (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getting_Things_Done)
29 votesHello George,
Thank you for sharing your idea to support the task based approach to managing emails. It will be considered for future versions.
Send to from explorer
the possibility to send a file by mail from the Windows interface is Comagent is installed.
29 votesThis is on our list to be considered for future versions.
Apply filters to existing messages
After creating a filter have a Run Filter function (at least for the Inbox) to filter messages that pre-date the filter creation date.
26 votesHello John,
Thank you for sharing your idea to add the ability to apply filters to existing messages. It will be considered for future versions.
Thanks again,
Intergrade abuseipdb
Abuseipdb https://www.abuseipdb.com/ has an free api to check ip's and Report ip's who are abusive
I find it a very reliable source and as mdaemon postmasters, we could help reporting abusive ip's (automaticly after more than x unsuccesfull authentications from one ip) thus using the mechanism mdaemon already uses to block ip's
22 votesHello,
Thank you for your suggestion to integrate with the abuseIPDB. We will look into it for future versions.
Arron -
Create server based rules
It would be very helpfull to creat server based rueles (mailfilter) using OC. If user are out of office the Inbox could get smaller. Active Synch wouldn´t sync all spam or newsletter.
22 votesHello Daniel,
Thanks for sharing your idea with us to allow server based rules to be created from Outlook Connector. MDaemon does currently support server side email rules that users can create/modify/delete from within MDaemon Remote Administration or WorldClient. Unfortunately, at this time the rules cannot be created/modified/deleted from Outlook Connector.
It will be considered for future versions.Thanks again,
Arron -
Public folder move
In OC if it is possible to block the displacement of Public folders.
This is the main cause of error users.
Thank you.21 votesHello,
Thank you for sharing your idea with us. Currently you can prevent a user from moving a public folder by removing their delete permissions. Improving upon this so that users can have access to delete messages but not access to move folders will be considered for future versions.
Outlook with Outlook Connector is removing References: Header. This breaks the message threading and is a major issue. The problem does not happen with World Client. Send an email to someone using World Client, they respond using Outlook Connector, check the email headers of the received message. References Header is missing. This also causes issues when emailing support tickets. Each reply to a support ticket email that does not have the original References Header value is assumed to be a new email / new ticket. This is very undesirable.
19 votes -
Improve autoresponder
User configurable from Worlclient if an autoresponder should be sent on every mail or only once a day.
15 votesHello Verner,
Thanks for submitting your idea. It will be considered for future versions of MDaemon and WorldClient.
control whether aliases can be used to log-in
We have some aliases that are never used to log-in, authenticate, or send e-mail. But, we see hack attempts that try to authenticate using those aliases. I would like to see a per-user control that allows/disallows authentication by aliases.
14 votesHello David,
Thank you for sharing your idea to configure whether logging on as an alias is allowed on a per account basis. In case you are not aware, this can be configured for the entire server. Allowing this to be configured per user will be considered for future versions.
Arron -
Please add "Remove option for Domain Signature duplication".
If any email forwarded by the user the mdaemon duplicate the domain's signature as number of times email forwarded. Please resolve this issue or provide a way to I do this manually or from content filter. Sorry for bad English.
13 votesHello,
Thank you for sharing your idea to remove duplicated signatures. It will be considered for future versions.
Location Screening applied per mailbox
Location Screening is a fantastic tool, and I use it extensively. I have eighty mailbox users of which the majority never leaves the country, but I also have a handful of users who travel extensively around the world.
The problem arises when I have to unblock a specific country for a particular user. Suddenly all the mailboxes on my server is open to brute force authentication attacks from that particular country.
If I could apply Location Screening by means of a template, or security group, or even directly on a particular mailbox, it would mean that if I open a…13 votesHello Charl,
Thank you for sharing your idea with us to implement per user location screening. There are some challenges to implementing this as it will require that we allow authentication to begin before a connection can be blocked by location screening. Some users will not like this, so we have to find a way to block connections as efficiently as possible.
There are a couple of options available for by-passing location screening on a per user basis. You can enable options for ActiveSync so that known devices by-pass location screening checks. You can also have the IP address of knwon ActiveSync devices whitelisted, so if you have a laptop on the same wifi network that is not using ActiveSync it will be allowed to connect as well. If you are using Webmail, you can use Two Factor Authentication to bypass Location Screening.
We will look into per user location…
Domain autoresponders
We run multiple domains on mdaemon, and would like the to implement a domain wide autoresponder when we have an annual shutdown, this is not possible at present so we have a rule in the content filter that sends a reply to all recieved e-mails over the shutdown, the problem with this is that if a response is sent to an email address that does not accept replies we get a mail back again saying the mail address does not accept replies, our rule sends the 'auto responder' response back again and it results in a ping pong match between…
12 votes
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