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336 results found

  1. Option to HOLD undeliverable email to invalid email addresses for configured domains

    The SG currently rejects all email not associated with a user account or alias. It would be great to have an option that either passes this email to the inside servers or HOLD the undeliverable email to enable the Admin to determine its disposition or change its Recipient email address.

    The Default for this option should be the current behavior of rejecting email to invalid recipients and replying to the sender with an Non-delivery 550 email.

    This feature is important to us because not all of our customers have 100% typing accuracy when it comes to email addresses. This also…

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  2. Option to HOLD email sent with "Delivery Failure" result

    Currently the SG does not retain email that it fails to deliver. I propose that there be an option to retain undeliverable email pending review and dispostion by an administrator.
    This would be most valuable for initial configurations where the person setting up the system is trying to develop the best setup between the SG and inside email server(s). The Default for this option can be the current behavior to simply clear messages with permanent delivery failure.

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    Hello Arnold,

    Thank you for submitting your idea to add an option to hold inbound email that cannot be delivered to the domain mail server. Enabling the option to not delete message content after a permanent delivery failure should work for you. We will consider adding additional options for the handling of inbound email for future versions of SecurityGateway.


  3. Make it easier to integrate with a company intranet.

    We have successfully integrated worldclient with our company intranet, but the implementation is messy as it posts the users username and password to the worldclient login page and it's visible for their whole session in the address bar. We've developed a workaround with a temp password, but we shouldn't have had to. This should be a lot easier. Also why not let us frame worldclient? That would make it great for intranet use as we could add "email" to a tab in our intranet. Now wc tries to break out of frames always.

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  4. Add SMTP forward address verification for Gateways

    Currently, it is only possible to check recipients in Gateway domains against LDAP,Minger or File based recipient lists. It would be great if MDaemon supported SMTP based Call-Forward (lookahead) recipient address verification.

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  5. Per user read/unread status

    I have been testing MDaemon & other email server software in order to put them into production in our office.

    MDaemon has two ways of sharing emails : Public folders & shared folders with their own ACLs. In public folders the flags can be either per user or shared flags with other users. If the flags are shared with other users, then the Read, Unread, Replied, Forwarded, etc. all status are shared with other users, this way one can know which emails have been replied or forwarded. However if the Public Folders are configured with Per User IMAP flag settings,…

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  6. Add support for virtual folders, available via WorldClient, IMAP, OC, API

    At present, clients accessing the object base managed by MDaemon, can only see and are offered real and actual folders existing on the file system of the server. Add the ability to define virtual folders. There could be two kind of virtual folders: (A) those provided by MDaemon itself (say, the union of two or more real folders of the same type: messages, calendars, contacts etc.), and (B) those provided by plug-in libraries developed by ISV.

    Since MDaemon 13.0, with the introduction of generic file folders, a useful virtual folder would be a union of folders of different default tipe,…

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  7. Hijack detection operating for individual domains instead of server level

    The detection of the hijack accounts is a very useful feature. It would be more useful to run at the domain level rather than at the server level because different domains may have different SMTP settings

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  8. Embed LibreOffice Online to edit uploaded documents in Documentes folders without downloading them locally

    With MDaemon 13.0 new feature for sharing generic files using WorldClient (Document folders) comes the need to possibly edit those very documents when you have no local storage to download them. Therefore it would be nice, when it will be available, to embed a free, but rich and powerful office document editing suite like LibreOffice, which is announced to be available with a HTML5 frontend at some date in 2013.

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  9. For public's folder, is there anyway to have only html links for files..


    For public folder's Is there anyway, for next version of Mdaemon/oc to have a specific behaviour and "an option" for public folder's, (which contains mails) to have only link to attachments, they contained

    I'd like to publish some informatiion into public folders, but if i synchronise them into wan with OC, bandwith will not be enough, and all public data will be replicated to the pc's wan users.

    Publics folders can actually be used in LAN with OC, or Wan with OC with TSE and Citrix, but... not Wan with OC... or just also for few data like contacts…

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  10. Integrated planification calendar link into outlook connector

    If it's possible could you directly integrate into outlook connector a .reg or a script to have the http;<server worldclient>/worldclient.dll?view....

    to not to have to insert it if we'de like to active the calendar view for other user availability date...


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  11. new user account - smarthost user name and password

    What about a button to verify the user specific smarthost credentials directly when entering them? No more need to search logs for related malfunctions ...

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  12. Outlook connector Is it possible to sync all folders but not checking each


    In Outlook connector we sync only mailbox, sent items and deleted items, to reduce the numbers of hits to the server..

    We'd like to push public folders to the client side, but not to select client side for each.


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  13. Support for RFC 3030 (BYNARYMIME && CHUNKING)

    For better bandwidth management on transmissions of large attachments

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  14. Encrypt attachments folder

    it could be better to encrypt files which are into the attachment folder


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  15. 1000 characters limit for the cover page

    At pag. 159 RelayFax manual says:
    When you send a fax through an email message and not
    through the printer driver, the text of your mail will be placed
    in the comments section of the cover page if the cover page
    exists and the length of the text of your message is less than
    1000 characters. However, page breaks within the body of
    the email message will be honored and cause RelayFax to
    generate multiple faxed pages rather than just a cover page.

    I think that this limit should be removed and that the text should be printed for the…

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    Hello Gianluigi,

    Thank you for submitting your idea to increase the character limit on the comments section of the cover page. It will be considered for future versions of RelayFax. In the mean time, if you are running RelayFax 6.0.2 or newer you can increase the limit to 3000 characters by editing the RelayFax.ini file and adding the following:


    Once you have made the change save the file and restart RelayFax.

    I will also request that the help file is corrected.


  16. A Outlook form to send fax

    In Wordclient there is a form to send fax, why not one for Outlook?

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  17. Lookout calendar, just have the actual calendar, not have two calendar's


    in lookout, two calendar's (actual and the next) is not good.

    it will be better to just have one (the actual).


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  18. Lookout Modify contacts left top pane


    In the looktout, it could be better to have on the lef top pane, the several contacts lists available. (wich are often into public folder's contact list...

    We have public's contacts list, personnal's contact list, and others contact public list (like customers, or others...)

    Actually, in left top pane there is not contact file which appears but the tree of folder's (mailbox appears)

    it could be great to have in this pane, all the contacts lists available,


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  19. Lookout, would like the same behaviour in the folder's tree, as outlook, mask some "items"


    It could be better into lookout to have the exact same folder's tree as Outlook.

    In worldclient, items appears two times, so user's (and myself) are sometimes confused, because i see them twice, (one into the folder's tree, and a second in the specific categorie on the left bottom.

    In outlook 2003/2007, we don't have two times items: calendar, notes etc... which are present, and manage in the specific category

    It could be great to have only in the folder's tree
    deleted items
    shared folders
    publics folders.

    And in specifics categories, the same wich are alrealy present…

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  20. Download Bar Shows the currently processed file.

    Currently when you install Outlook onto an new machine for a user that already has an account, the Download bar becomes very active as it downloads through Outlook Connector all the headers and information etc. Sometimes this process can get stuck on an email or Calendar file, but there is no way to know which item is causing the problem. If the Download Bar could display the current item which it's trying to download into Outlook, we might have a fighting chance to delete or inspect that file as to why it's causing everything to hang. Thanks!

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